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Planning our Bathroom

Planning our Bathroom

During the week I’ve been busy planning the bathroom, it’s been quite the undertaking and has required a fair amount of research and comparison to what others have done and what we could do in the space allocated. After purchasing Gandalf and in our initial discussions over our plans we knew that we’d need to plan a space for a bathroom in. This was an important consideration for us as we hope to spend most of our time off grid…

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Water Tanks

Water Tanks

Having had luck on our side and the water tanks arriving within the week, we decided to get on and tackle the installation. Little did we know that this weekend would be talked about for months to come… Setting Up Before the installation could begin we felt that we needed to make a few adjustments to the grey water tank. We’d noticed when looking at the kit that there were some drawbacks that would be relatively simple to improve upon….

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Planning the Water System

Planning the Water System

Having chosen and installed the Truma heater and hot water system it was time to turn our attention to the storage and supply side of things. Heating Water Over the past few months we’ve been debating our options for water storage. We are at a point where this would now be a good task to get ticked off the list. We intend to travel for a while and are hoping to stay off grid for the most part, with that…

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