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The Ceiling

The Ceiling

With the doors completed and the wood arriving it was time to make a start on the ceiling. Decisions I have to admit I had been very conflicted about this stage of the build. On the one hand I am excited to finally complete the wooden ‘shell’ that we’ve created, but on the other hand I had not been looking forward to it as I know it is going to be very hard going on my shoulder. It’s still a…

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The Doors

The Doors

The van is coming together nicely now, and I hope to be back to more regular updates shortly. Making a Start It was now time to turn our attention to the rear and side doors. Our lovely wooden shell is coming along and we are eager to complete it. This weeks’ task was to get the doors panelled with plywood. We started with the back doors as we felt they’d be more straight forward than the sliding door. We needed…

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The Hatch Door

The Hatch Door

After the success of the bulkhead walls it was now time to turn our attention to building the hatch door. I can tell you that this task was quite the DIY feat and certainly brought us a challenge. Getting Started I had been really looking forward to this part of the build, it would be the first thing we’ve done so far that would hint at a finished interior. I’ve been super excited to finally be able to show everyone…

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The Bulkhead Pt.2

The Bulkhead Pt.2

Thanks for sticking with us and I hope you’re all still enjoying the blog. I’ve got lots of updates to come as Ben and I have been working hard and making good progress. It’s now June and pretty obvious that without a miracle we will not be ready to set off at the end of the month. Although initially sad about this both Ben and I have accepted that we have done our best and we are still really looking…

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The Bulkhead Pt 1

The Bulkhead Pt 1

Firstly, apologies for the long overdue update, we’ve still been busy working out on the van four days a week. I had been saving the blog updates and planned to publish them in sections that cover the particular task that we’d been working on. However, it has taken us longer than expected on the bulkhead! So with reports of family missing the blog I shall go back to more regular updates! Planning After finishing the walls we’ve almost completed a…

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Walls: The finale

Walls: The finale

Happy Friday! We’ve had a great week, progress is on schedule and we’re super pleased. Fun hats and twister What a scorcher of a week it’s been! Working in the hot weather brings a whole new set of issues, we’ve finally been able to put the thermals away and have reached for some really funny looking sun hats! It does get quite uncomfortable at times working in the heat, but we’ve been staying well hydrated and cracking on none the…

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Walls Part 1

Walls Part 1

Following on from the vapour barrier progress last week, we were ambitiously hoping to be able to finish up and get the walls up this week. Our plan was to get out bright and early Monday to finish up the battens and vapour barrier, however it has been one of those weeks where nothing really goes to plan. The majority of the week was pretty slow for us, a whole lot of waiting for things to arrive and not much…

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Vapour Barrier

Vapour Barrier

It’s been a week since our last update but we are still around and working on the van! I admit we’ve been quite tired lately and needed some time to relax, in addition to looking into other aspects of the build that have yet to come. The Barrier After superb progress last weekend, we decided to take a few days off at the beginning of this week. The solar panel weekend was a great success but we had lots of…

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Solar Panels

Solar Panels

It’s been a long week of manic research and mental preparation, with thanks to John, we’ve managed to make a great step forward this weekend. Brackets After having spent the week doing mad research into brackets, I still hadn’t managed to find anything I liked or that I thought would be good enough to hold the solar panels onto the rails. Upon our arrival at Ben’s parents’ house we’d found out that John had ordered some brackets that might just…

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Windows & leaks

Windows & leaks

It’s been a busy end to the week with more progress over Friday & Saturday. We’ve managed to fix some older issues and make progress on the window side of things. We’ve sprung a leak! We didn’t managed to get out to the van for most of this week, as we’ve still been recovering and I have spent a lot of time online trying to find a suitable solution to the lingering problem we have connecting the solar panels to…

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