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Planning our Bathroom

Planning our Bathroom

During the week I’ve been busy planning the bathroom, it’s been quite the undertaking and has required a fair amount of research and comparison to what others have done and what we could do in the space allocated. After purchasing Gandalf and in our initial discussions over our plans we knew that we’d need to plan a space for a bathroom in. This was an important consideration for us as we hope to spend most of our time off grid…

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Heating and Hot Water

Heating and Hot Water

Efforts this week have been ploughed into research. We await the arrival of the struts so that the furniture build can commence! With little physical work to get our teeth into this week and in a bid to keep things moving along, Ben and I concentrated on researching some of the other elements of the build. We are excited about the impending delivery of the struts, but as always there is much to do. We decided to divide and conquer…

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Let’s talk struts

Let’s talk struts

We mentioned last time that with the new appliances we needed to make some changes to the layout. This section of the build started with the frantic rehashing of the layout in SketchUp. With some minor adjustments made to our original layout, we have now reached the stage where we can start to build the skeletal frame of the furniture. It’s exciting to reach this phase, I’ve been looking forward to starting on the furniture and seeing the van come…

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Appliance Woes

Appliance Woes

With the base of the van a good way to being ready, it was time to turn our attention to the furniture side of things. Thus far we’ve avoided buying much in the way of interior bits or appliances, as things often seem to change at the last minute and we don’t have masses of storage at home. In order to progress past this point we needed to firm up our choices of appliances. Armed with a comprehensive list of…

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Layout Conundrums

Layout Conundrums

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to physically do much to the van, though this is disappointing we feel that it’s better to halt the project and take some time. I have been desperately trying to resolve our layout issue which involves coming up with new ideas for the bed and seating area. DVLA Requirements The DVLA are very strict and have several rules that the van must comply with in order to be classed as a campervan,…

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Paint & Considerations

Paint & Considerations

Phew, what a day! We were both up bright and earlier and got out to the van to clean the walls on the inside as it had got a bit dusty from rust removal. This was a three stage process, as we also needed to paint over some rusting scratches on the walls. I am rather weary and worn out from today as I had been busy overnight thinking about van and business stuff. Rust Treatment Step 1: The first…

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