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The Bulkhead Pt 1

The Bulkhead Pt 1

Firstly, apologies for the long overdue update, we’ve still been busy working out on the van four days a week. I had been saving the blog updates and planned to publish them in sections that cover the particular task that we’d been working on. However, it has taken us longer than expected on the bulkhead! So with reports of family missing the blog I shall go back to more regular updates! Planning After finishing the walls we’ve almost completed a…

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Vapour Barrier

Vapour Barrier

It’s been a week since our last update but we are still around and working on the van! I admit we’ve been quite tired lately and needed some time to relax, in addition to looking into other aspects of the build that have yet to come. The Barrier After superb progress last weekend, we decided to take a few days off at the beginning of this week. The solar panel weekend was a great success but we had lots of…

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Fancy keeping cool

Fancy keeping cool

The work continued over the bank holiday weekend, with more progress! It was a brutal 7am start, Ben and I’s sixth straight day of working on the van. It’s unfortunate to have such a punishing schedule this week but in order to catch up we felt it necessary. At this moment in time we are a little behind where we’d hoped to be, mainly due to the rust issues and the insulation taking longer than expected. We hope with some…

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The Doors of Durin

The Doors of Durin

We’ve had a good end to the week, with more progress on the doors. Funny Shaped Pieces We started much later today than originally planned, we are both really tired and had a bit of a lie in, allowing ourselves an extra hour to doze. Fridays are shorter days for us because we have some business work to attend to first thing, this seemed to take ages today and we didn’t get out to the van until the mid afternoon….

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Insulation: The finale

Insulation: The finale

Phew! What a day! We’ve been out working on the van again and made further progress with the insulation. We can finally see the finish line of this task! A Squeak of Celotex On Tuesday we managed to get the whole top section done on the remaining side so today we challenged ourselves to get the bottom finished, which would complete that side. We slightly exceeded these expectations by getting the bottom finished and one of the trickier panels for…

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Insulation Part 3

Insulation Part 3

It continues! Unfortunately I think you’re in for a few more posts about Celotex to come before we will be done! I hope It’s not too boring for you all, like you we hope it will be done soon! The Never-Ending Celotex… Although it was a slightly slower start to the day, we have pulled it off and done a great job. We woke up to the rain my mum told me to expect and a slightly misty and ominous looking…

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Insulation Part 2

Insulation Part 2

This week the insulation continues…. But first let me take you on a detour! Layout During the early part of the week, I came across a really neat idea for the bulkhead/ cab access situation. It left me intrigued as to how it could work for us so I had a little mock-up in SketchUp and found that it really helped free up some storage space for us, something we are lacking a little under the current design. We’ve currently…

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The Ceilings Alive With Silver

The Ceilings Alive With Silver

WOW! What a busy and productive week we’ve had, good progress at a steady pace! Like a Disco Ball We started the week by working on the ceiling, it was tough work for me, my shoulder does not like anything where the arm goes above the head and standing and holding pieces of insulation and slotting them in just right is a killer! Ben did an excellent and speedy job at cutting the panels whilst I set up the stick…

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Floor, Glorious Floor!

Floor, Glorious Floor!

It has been a long week, boy are we tired! Today seemed to slip by in an instant. There were some problems completing our business obligations this morning as we had no internet, instead of messing around indoors for ages we headed out to the van as planned. A Jig with Ply We managed to finish off the last of the floor with the foil bubble wrap. It feels really good and I’m pleased we did it in the end….

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A Day Of Reflectix

A Day Of Reflectix

It’s been another long day spent working on the van, we were out til late last night on a social visit so felt pretty weary this morning. We’ve found it’s more productive and much more peaceful to work during the week so we are trying to work on the van where possible and leave the weekend for recuperation and probably allocate some time to catch up on some business stuff and the housework. No Vapour Here… We’ve been umming and…

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