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Fridge Drawer

Fridge Drawer

Yesterday’s hard work and the resulting success seemed to almost propel us forward with the remaining tasks planned for today. We were really hoping to be able to make a start on some of the internals, specifically the kitchen area. With the hob exhaust in place it was now time to implement an elegant solution for our fridge. Day 2 We’d been discussing with John for sometime how to go about creating a heavy duty sliding drawer for the fridge….

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Appliance Woes

Appliance Woes

With the base of the van a good way to being ready, it was time to turn our attention to the furniture side of things. Thus far we’ve avoided buying much in the way of interior bits or appliances, as things often seem to change at the last minute and we don’t have masses of storage at home. In order to progress past this point we needed to firm up our choices of appliances. Armed with a comprehensive list of…

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