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Tag: campervan

Solar Re-wire

Solar Re-wire

Following on from a great couple of days progress with the van, we decided to tidy up the work we’d started on the solar cables. Day 3 In our post a few weeks ago, we had undertaken the massive job of re-wiring the larger solar panels. Unfortunately, at the time we’d not been able to post the cables back through the van due to the junction box that was in-situ being far too small and allowing only four cables to…

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Floor, Glorious Floor!

Floor, Glorious Floor!

It has been a long week, boy are we tired! Today seemed to slip by in an instant. There were some problems completing our business obligations this morning as we had no internet, instead of messing around indoors for ages we headed out to the van as planned. A Jig with Ply We managed to finish off the last of the floor with the foil bubble wrap. It feels really good and I’m pleased we did it in the end….

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Fun With Foil

Fun With Foil

We had yesterday off from van work, not only did we have business stuff to catch up on after the weekend (Mondays are always our most hectic day), but we were in need of some rest after the hard graft. I can honestly say we’ve never hurt so much! The back and neck ache are intense and we are both feeling the worse for wear, there’s a lot of squatting down going on whilst we work on the floor and…

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A Hail Of A Time

A Hail Of A Time

What an exceedingly long day…… We were up at 4am to watch the first F1 race of the 2019 season, which took place in Australia, hence the weird time. This finished around 7am and we decided to go with the momentum of the week and get up and head out to the van. The first goal was to get the battens from yesterday stuck down, which fitted seen as it was still rather early and we couldn’t use any of the…

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Batten Down The Hatches

Batten Down The Hatches

We’ve had a busy and successful few days despite some delays that were out of our control and an attack from the rear door. Pesky Rust Since we’ve had the van back from welding and have been in and out a few times doing odd jobs, we’ve begun to notice some signs of the rust patches showing through on the epoxied floor. We are not sure if this is normal but all the same we find it concerning to say…

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Layout Conundrums

Layout Conundrums

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to physically do much to the van, though this is disappointing we feel that it’s better to halt the project and take some time. I have been desperately trying to resolve our layout issue which involves coming up with new ideas for the bed and seating area. DVLA Requirements The DVLA are very strict and have several rules that the van must comply with in order to be classed as a campervan,…

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Paint & Considerations

Paint & Considerations

Phew, what a day! We were both up bright and earlier and got out to the van to clean the walls on the inside as it had got a bit dusty from rust removal. This was a three stage process, as we also needed to paint over some rusting scratches on the walls. I am rather weary and worn out from today as I had been busy overnight thinking about van and business stuff. Rust Treatment Step 1: The first…

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Forging The Van

Forging The Van

Two weeks in review as we confirmed and sent Gandalf for some patching up. A Trip to Lewes Having discussed a suitable time for us to bring to van back to Lewes, we had a week to think over the quote for the spraying of the underside of the van. All the other places that were able to do the van were over four hours away. Deciding it was perhaps easier,  quicker to get both done at the same time….

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The Battle of Rust!

The Battle of Rust!

It’s been a busy few weeks with Christmas, we’ve enjoyed the time with our families and discussed our plans at length with them as we prepare to navigate the next steps of the build. A Dusty Affair As I mentioned in the previous post, After taking down the ply we noticed some quite bad rusting to the lower part of the van walls. It only got worse once we finally managed to remove the floor, unfortunately we have quite a…

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Rusty The Black Nosed Sprinter

Rusty The Black Nosed Sprinter

December is a busy month for us and we’ve coped well adding van work onto our daily tasks. Let’s get started and we wish you all a happy holiday! Iron Oxide, Frankincense and Myrrh It’s quite exciting seeing the Gandalf the van parked up outside when you get up in the mornings and we are eager to get going. After acquiring Gandalf I’d set about mocking up a layout idea in a program called Sketchup, so we felt confident about…

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