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Tag: Buying



At long last! Finally some purchasing! You’ll be relieved to know we finally own a van! *does a little dance* It Started With Two… Let’s go back to the past week… We took a couple of days off the van hunting and did some fun things, like going to the cinema and chilling out at home. This month is quite hefty in the run up to Christmas for our business. After all the recent let-downs we wanted to have some…

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Van Hunting Part 2

Van Hunting Part 2

We’ve had a long old month of continuous research and van hunting, whilst doing our utmost to remain hopeful despite our previous experience! We guessed after that, it may be a slightly longer road to getting a van. We had another couple of close calls, the world of van hunting has been quite surprising and eye opening, it certainly doesn’t seem as tame as car hunting. Close but No Cigar… We thought we’d made a breakthrough in the search and found…

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Van Hunting

Van Hunting

This morning we were feeling pretty pumped about the idea of getting a van, we were happy with our research and ready to hit the ground running. A Revealing Day Expecting this to be an exciting part of the process we decided to take a day trip around local van dealers to have a look at what was on offer. We also hoped that Ben would get a sneaky chance to sit in some of them as due to him…

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