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The Bulkhead Pt 1

The Bulkhead Pt 1

Firstly, apologies for the long overdue update, we’ve still been busy working out on the van four days a week. I had been saving the blog updates and planned to publish them in sections that cover the particular task that we’d been working on. However, it has taken us longer than expected on the bulkhead! So with reports of family missing the blog I shall go back to more regular updates! Planning After finishing the walls we’ve almost completed a…

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A Hail Of A Time

A Hail Of A Time

What an exceedingly long day…… We were up at 4am to watch the first F1 race of the 2019 season, which took place in Australia, hence the weird time. This finished around 7am and we decided to go with the momentum of the week and get up and head out to the van. The first goal was to get the battens from yesterday stuck down, which fitted seen as it was still rather early and we couldn’t use any of the…

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