Solar Re-wire

Solar Re-wire

Following on from a great couple of days progress with the van, we decided to tidy up the work we’d started on the solar cables. Day 3 In our post a few weeks ago, we had undertaken the massive job of re-wiring the larger solar panels. Unfortunately, at the time we’d not been able to post the cables back through the van due to the junction box that was in-situ being far too small and allowing only four cables to…

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Fridge Drawer

Fridge Drawer

Yesterday’s hard work and the resulting success seemed to almost propel us forward with the remaining tasks planned for today. We were really hoping to be able to make a start on some of the internals, specifically the kitchen area. With the hob exhaust in place it was now time to implement an elegant solution for our fridge. Day 2 We’d been discussing with John for sometime how to go about creating a heavy duty sliding drawer for the fridge….

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Three days of graft

Three days of graft

After a busy Christmas period for our business and some great family time, we decided to get back into the swing of van work with a cheeky session between Christmas and the New Year. Thanks to a number of days of hard work from myself, Ben and John, we’ve made another good step forward, managing to tackle one of the bigger jobs that had been looming over us. Day 1 We’d hoped to get the heater install finished up this…

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Hatching The Cowl

Hatching The Cowl

Having been lucky enough to be offered a couple of days of help on the van from John (Ben’s dad). We jumped at the opportunity to try to get some of the ever growing list of tasks ticked off the list before Christmas. It’s really helpful when others are interested in the project and keen to get involved. It’s such a long journey to the finish line you sometimes feel you need some fresh outside positivity to help you along…

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It’s Electrifying

It’s Electrifying

As non-stop rain and heavy showers batter the South East and with space at a premium in the van, we took the decision to move inside and work on getting some of the electrical parts of the build up and running. We’ve waited with anticipation to start the electrics and we’re hoping that our many hours of intense research will pay off. This post will mainly be a quick run through of Ben and I setting up stage one of…

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Almost a kitchen

Almost a kitchen

Hello world! Welcome back to some updated van news. Let’s kick off with the kitchen. As mentioned previously the countertop had been sent off to be crafted by John, a neighbour of Ben’s parents. It’s now time to get the kitchen install underway! Fitting the countertop A quick update on our other progress before we get into the countertop. After finding and purchasing the sink and tap for the kitchen, and looking into various other parts of the build we…

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Tesla Power

Tesla Power

After a very good evening out celebrating another September birthday with my family we groggily rose for our super early start. We were due to be on the road at 8.30am. Wearily we headed out to the car and off we went. Today our 7 hour round trip journey will take us from Canterbury right down to Christchurch in Bournemouth and back again. Adventures to the Coast What may we be up too today I hear you ask? Well, today…

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Planning the worktop

Planning the worktop

After working hard on the struts and having the majority of the furniture framing done we took some time to catch up on some design aspects of the build. I personally had been looking forward to figuring out the final look of the kitchen. Decisions, Decisions! It can be hard to know quite where to start with a kitchen in a camper van, and in general there are a few things to figure out before pressing on: How many people…

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Furniture Build PT 2

Furniture Build PT 2

After another round of SketchUp work and some more van measuring we ordered our second parcel of struts. Upon receiving them we eagerly headed out to set them up. Framing Continued… This week we were concentrating on the rear of the van working on the bed and seating area. The plan for the rear is to have a 2100mm long sleeping area at night that converts to 1050mm of bench area (this will act as a roof for the garage…

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Furniture Build PT 1

Furniture Build PT 1

It’s been a long week waiting for our struts to arrive so we can start the furniture build! Let’s Get Slotting An extremely large parcel arrived first thing, it’s our first batch and contains all the struts we’d need to get the kitchen unit and shower units built. We were both super excited and rushed outside to make a start. The parcel had been packed extremely well and it took some doing with scissors to get into as the struts…

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