The Doors of Durin

The Doors of Durin

We’ve had a good end to the week, with more progress on the doors.

Funny Shaped Pieces

We started much later today than originally planned, we are both really tired and had a bit of a lie in, allowing ourselves an extra hour to doze. Fridays are shorter days for us because we have some business work to attend to first thing, this seemed to take ages today and we didn’t get out to the van until the mid afternoon.

The master at work!

We sped along and Ben cut out the other funny shaped piece for the rear door, using yesterday’s template. Meanwhile I worked on cutting the smaller pieces for the awkward holes and packing the wool into the even more awkward crevices of the door. The drivers side rear door has a handle so until now we’d left the door card intact. I set to getting it off, which proved quite tough. When I did eventually get it off I could see that unfortunately there was some more rust to deal with! I was a little disheartened but went and got the trusty old POR 15 out and touched it up. We decided to leave this area to dry overnight before stuffing any insulation in. We have pre-cut the pieces ready so that should help us along.

ITS ME.jpg

We have the sliding door, some small parts on the ceiling and the bulkhead left to do in the celotex, and some smaller more awkward bits to do with the recycled plastic insulation. We’ll tackle those next week.

We have finally managed to order our windows! I really hope we’ve made the right choice size-wise but it’s one of those things we wont know until they are here. Fingers crossed they come in the early part of the week so we can get them and the fan installed and insulate around them.

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