Insulation: The finale

Insulation: The finale

Phew! What a day! We’ve been out working on the van again and made further progress with the insulation. We can finally see the finish line of this task!

A Squeak of Celotex

On Tuesday we managed to get the whole top section done on the remaining side so today we challenged ourselves to get the bottom finished, which would complete that side. We slightly exceeded these expectations by getting the bottom finished and one of the trickier panels for the rear doors. This has really put us ahead as it means we can use the panel as a template for the other door. We have a few bits left to do on the sliding and rear doors, but I am hoping we can give it one good push tomorrow and finish up.

Second Side Complete!

We’ll need to do some measuring before we go any further with the celotex work as there are several difficult tasks that are next on the list: The bulkhead complete with hatch, the fan and the installation of the windows. All three really need to be in place before we can add the vapour barrier and ply line the walls.

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We have had the fan for a little while now but have been a bit back and forth on the size of the windows. I am hoping that we can come to a final decision tomorrow and get them ordered ready for next week as they will need frames making up for them. Ideally we would like to purchase a second smaller fan to put at the other end of the van to get a good bit of air circulation going when it comes to the hotter months, and particularly now that we will have to move the main fan further forward than originally planned.

Bens great work!

We will have to see where the budget is at as we’d also need to buy or have made a suitable roof rack to mount the solar panels to if we were to install another fan. We also noticed a chip on the van’s windscreen this morning, so there’s that to fix before it gets any worse! On the topic of solar panels we are preparing to buy those as well. It would help to get all the roof stuff fitted while we are up there and make sure it all fits well.

See you tomorrow for hopefully another successful day of work on the van!

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