Insulation Part 3

Insulation Part 3

It continues! Unfortunately I think you’re in for a few more posts about Celotex to come before we will be done! I hope It’s not too boring for you all, like you we hope it will be done soon!

The Never-Ending Celotex…

Although it was a slightly slower start to the day, we have pulled it off and done a great job. We woke up to the rain my mum told me to expect and a slightly misty and ominous looking sky. Part of me just wanted to stay indoors in the warm and it was tough to find the motivation to get going. Ben however had enough motivation for the both of us and managed to encourage us to get outside and make a start. Wrapped up in our thermals off we went!

We didn’t really have a plan for what we aimed to get finished today but managed to get the whole top section done along the remaining side.  We went at a great pace, particularly as the top has some really difficult sized holes that are narrow both at the top and the bottom, just to make things harder!

Wohoo! Top section!

It was a quiet day working with not many pedestrians to pass and look in on us, We had all but the side door shut and spent lunch sheltering from the on/off rain showers as we ate in the cab. We are both feeling better from our various ailments, having had some rest over the weekend. I have gone back to wearing my knee pads. I had hoped this would help me, however, this evening my knee still feels bad but there is no rest for it so I hope it gets better soon!

Further Research

Besides being tired (Ben is yawning away), The latest Sketchup design is close to being ready and it appears that our new bulkhead idea might just work! I just have to double check the measurements out in the van, but all is looking good. Ben has furthered our research into our solar panels, so we may be purchasing them soon as we’ll be up on the roof to fit the fan. We have also found a superb fabric for the booth seats we plan to put in. My samples arrived this morning!

Ps. As requested, here is a picture of me in all the safety gear for my dear Ma (thanks for the hat!) πŸ™‚

Celotex Shower!

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5 years ago

Awwww stunning as always love!!!! (You’re welcome for the hat…it was a bit big for me!) Doing a great job…..Well done both of you!!!! Hope i get to see those samples?! xxxxxx

Fifty States Away
Reply to  Ma
5 years ago

Thanks! Are you saying I’ve got a big head lol? πŸ˜› Will bring samples, not sure you’ll like them lol! xxxxx

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