Floor, Glorious Floor!

Floor, Glorious Floor!

It has been a long week, boy are we tired! Today seemed to slip by in an instant. There were some problems completing our business obligations this morning as we had no internet, instead of messing around indoors for ages we headed out to the van as planned.

A Jig with Ply

We managed to finish off the last of the floor with the foil bubble wrap. It feels really good and I’m pleased we did it in the end. As the end is drawing near for the floor we are both delighted at the thought of having a short break from the bending and scrabbling around while we work on the walls and ceiling.

After finishing the insulation stage we moved on to getting the ply floor ready. We kept the previous floor and have been harboring it on our balcony (ground floor thankfully), for when this day finally came. It was a mission in itself to get the old floor out, which included a dicey struggle up the hill, leaving us needing a sit down at the other end. The original floor came out in two pieces, with one much larger than the other, we reckon the large piece probably weighs 40kg alone. I am expecting some Popeye muscles at the end of this build, if I don’t get a hernia first!

After some deliberation on how to cut the ply we finally settled on a plan, and set to. We both had a go at cutting a side each, starting at the rear where the wheel arches produce some interesting shapes and hoping for the best. Both of us did rather well and we’ve finally laid the rear portion of the floor! I have looked at the picture several times this evening and I am really chuffed with our handiwork!

Floor, glorious floor!

Pleased with ourselves, we headed in slightly earlier to see if the internet was back up as we’d still have time to get our orders out, but no luck! We’ll have to get up early and get them out tomorrow, goodbye lay in, but at least we have a partial floor Wooo! In addition Ben’s parents treated us to a take away, what a nice end to the day!

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