A Day Of Reflectix

A Day Of Reflectix

It’s been another long day spent working on the van, we were out til late last night on a social visit so felt pretty weary this morning. We’ve found it’s more productive and much more peaceful to work during the week so we are trying to work on the van where possible and leave the weekend for recuperation and probably allocate some time to catch up on some business stuff and the housework.

No Vapour Here…

We’ve been umming and arring about whether or not to add an additional vapour barrier to the floor. Technically it isn’t needed but we have found the Ecotherm insulation board to be a bit flimsy and any minor scuff or scratch would nullify the barrier. Adding an additional layer of Reflectix type stuff (basically double bubbles in silver foil) would also add an additional layer of insulation, without adding too much height.

In the end after much deliberation we decided to err on the side of caution and add the extra layer. Looking around trying to get a good price on this stuff, has been a bit tedious as they don’t seem to sell rolls that were just the right size to do the walls, ceiling and the floor.  It seemed we could either get way too much or too little. This morning we found out that Homebase in Herne Bay, a sixteen minute journey from us had just enough to do the floor at a reasonable price, so we headed off to quickly pick some up. We can now order the right size rolls to do the walls and ceiling when we get to that part.

Despite both of us feeling quite knackered we managed to get a fair way through the final floor insulation and make a really good start with the vapour barrier. Hopefully tomorrow we can finish up and make a start on cutting the new plywood floor and getting it down. The weather held out even though it’s been rather grey all day. I shall look forward to putting my feet up this evening.

Almost done, excuse the carnage!

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