Fun With Foil

Fun With Foil

We had yesterday off from van work, not only did we have business stuff to catch up on after the weekend (Mondays are always our most hectic day), but we were in need of some rest after the hard graft. I can honestly say we’ve never hurt so much! The back and neck ache are intense and we are both feeling the worse for wear, there’s a lot of squatting down going on whilst we work on the floor and so there really isn’t any part of us that isn’t sore.

Aches and Pains


Tuesday brought another full day of work out on the van. We aimed to get more of the insulation boards down, Ben was excellent and did a great job of the cutting. We had some really awkward shapes to deal with as we’ve only just noticed that a couple of the battens must have been knocked and have dried in place at a slant. We had some fairly good weather, and managed to get a good chunk of the floor done.

I didn’t manage to get a picture of the final result of the days work, but here are a couple showing progress from earlier in the day.


We came back inside as the day was ending and it started to get a bit chilly, Ben made us a nice cup of tea and I cracked on with making dinner. I shall look forward to some sofa time in-front of the TV this evening.

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