Van Hunting Part 2

Van Hunting Part 2

We’ve had a long old month of continuous research and van hunting, whilst doing our utmost to remain hopeful despite our previous experience! We guessed after that, it may be a slightly longer road to getting a van. We had another couple of close calls, the world of van hunting has been quite surprising and eye opening, it certainly doesn’t seem as tame as car hunting.

Close but No Cigar…

We thought we’d made a breakthrough in the search and found a van that we were quite happy with, all was in order and it was in Bromley only an hour away by train, perfect we thought! We called and arranged to go and view the van the very next morning. So there we were, up bright and early, heading to the bank in preparation for our train journey. In true bank style, they like to be awkward when you are trying to draw out any amount of cash and they kept us waiting forever. I also happened to be suffering quite badly with sciatica so was not particularly happy about the wait and resorted to having to go and sit down.

We finally made it to the train station, bought our tickets and decided to call and check that everything was still fine. There was no answer…… I got quite a bad feeling at that moment and we decided not to board the train until we had spoken to him, even if it meant being late. Anyhow about 10 minutes later we got a call back and the guy just brazenly stated he’d sold it last night…. I was in agony, cold and now very annoyed that he hadn’t let us know, another defeat in the van acquisition process.  Back to the bank it was!

Round Three…

Ding! Ding! We found yet another great looking van after reviewing all the details and speaking to the guy, who seemed very nice. We decided to think things over for a couple of days as despite our previous experiences and it becoming apparent that it’s a ‘you snooze, you loose’ world when it comes to buying vans we didn’t want to rush into anything. It was a good job we did, during one of our daily searches on Gumtree we discovered that there was somebody else with a different name selling the same van…. It was apparent that it was some sort of scam, we were both just quite fed up with the van hunt at this point.

Better luck next time, we shall not be defeated and the right van will come our way…..

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