Fifty States Away

Fifty States Away

After having returned from our glorious but short trip to chart the USA, you could say we’ve had some trouble re-adjusting to a ‘normal’ life. What could we possibly do about this I hear you say?

Let’s start from the beginning! We’ve now been back in the UK for approximately 2.5 years. It’s quite something to do a trip such as we did and then come back and try to fit into a normal routine again. After the joy of seeing family and friends again and some much earned rest form road life, there comes a period of soul searching.

Many a good evening since we’ve been back from our adventure has been spent reminiscing about the good times and laughing about the difficult ones. It would seem that a cloud of excitement, spontaneity and a thirst for the open road is destined to follow us.

It’s time to explore! Deciding that it was no longer possible to ignore the nagging of adventure that follows us through daily life, we began to dream again! Knowing that our travelling chapter is yet to be closed, we have again decided to take to the open road and discover more of what’s out there.

Join us for the next chapter of this tale…..

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